Understanding IRS Audits and Compliance for Real Estate and Business Clients

Navigating IRS Audits and Compliance: Essential Insights for Real Estate and Business Clients

In our continuous effort to support you with valuable insights and guidance, we want to address the significant topic of IRS audits and compliance. Understanding the common triggers for audits and ensuring compliance is essential for every real estate and business professional.

Here are some key points to consider:

What are some common triggers for IRS audits?

  • Incorrect or incomplete tax filings
  • High deductions compared to income
  • Large charitable donations
  • Self-employment income discrepancies
  • Inconsistent reporting across different years
  • Engaging in cash transactions

What compliance issues should clients watch out for?

  • Accurate reporting of income and expenses
  • Proper classification of deductions and credits
  • Timely filing of tax returns
  • Adequate record-keeping to support deductions
  • Compliance with changing tax laws and regulations

How can clients maintain accurate tax records to avoid audits?

  • Keep detailed records of income and expenses
  • Maintain receipts, invoices, and bank statements
  • Use software to track transactions and generate reports
  • Seek professional advice for complex tax situations
  • File taxes on time and review returns before submission
  • Stay informed about tax law changes that may impact your business

We are here to assist you in navigating through IRS audits and ensuring compliance with tax regulations. If you have any questions or require further guidance, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Wishing you a successful tax season ahead!

See you next week!

520 Whiteplains Road Suite 500, Tarrytowm, NY 10591
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